Microsoft Azure
Cloud Services

The Microsoft Azure platform is a business cloud solution, designed to work for any size company, providing enterprise level computing at an affordable cost. 

mpsWORKS helps local Tampa Bay area businesses access enterprise level services from Microsoft Azure.

What Microsoft Azure has to offer

Remote Virtual Desktops

Everyone in your business can access their computer workspace from anywhere at any time.

Predictable Monthly Costs

The Azure Cloud allows usage-based pricing; only pay while using your Azure cloud, offering maximum flexibility.

Security & Compliance

mpsWORKS will help you configure your Azure security tools and conduct regular reviews to help you prepare for any compliance audits.

Host Quickbooks in the Cloud

Small businesses can host their Quickbooks software in Azure for access by multiple users.

Low Capital Cost for Hardware

No more purchasing servers or expensive desktop computers because all the compute power is provided by remote Azure host.

Easily On-Board New Employees

Adding and removing employees to your company’s Azure environment is a simple and secure process.


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